Dianne's admittance to hospital
2006 January - June
Created by LISA ELLEN 15 years ago
After a lousy Xmas in 2005, Dianne spent most of January back and forth to the Doctors complaining of an upset stomach. She had been diagnosed in 2003 with Diverticular Disease which had been controlled up until this point. After being admitted on the 22nd January, Dianne endured a 9 hour operation to remove an abcess which had formed in her large colon. One week later, after recovering well and accepting that she now had to deal with a colostomy bag, she developed complications which then led to severe peritonitis. Simon & Lisa encouraged her to been taken back to theatre as the complications became life threatening. She agreed.
After another 9 hour operation, Dianne spent 3 weeks sedated in Intensive Care Unit, being taken back to theatre every 3 days to have her open stomach wound dressed due to her colostomy/stoma being resituated to the right side of her stomach. Here on after, she spent 52 days in the Surgical Recovery Unit on 5Y at PDH (breaking the record for the longest stay in the unit by a patient) which she was very proud of.
In May she was moved to 3X until she was fully mobile due to numerous physiotherapy sessions, she was allowed to escape fully from her temporary home of 6 months.
On Friday 16th June 2006 her daughter Lisa collected her, laden with belongings that filled the wheelchair and Dianne walked out of PDH to the awaiting car.