Dianne's slow recovery

2006 June - 2007 August

Created by LISA ELLEN 15 years ago
Dianne enjoyed very much, the time spent at home out of Hospital. Yes, it was depressing at times for her as she wasnt as mobile as she wanted to be. The time when she realised that she just could not ride her bike anymore and Simon found her on the garden path with her legs in the air. She thought she was invincible, to a certain extent she was! Dianne had to have district nurses in the early stages of her recovery visiting daily to dress her wound. Hospital at home was offered to her but Dianne being Dianne, dismissed the thought of that. She was very independent and 'did'nt need their help, i can wash and bath and cook for myself, thankyou very much'...you can hear her now, saying that! After a while, Dianne became more mobile, visiting the Doctors on a daily basis to have here stomach wound dressed, which became a very slow healing process. Dianne enjoyed walking (no, not biking!) to the shops in Westwood or walking to Sainsbury's at Bretton even venturing over to Lidl's...she would walk their, get her shopping and end up phoning the neighbour to pick her up in the car !! 'Never again' she said 'i'll ask Lisa to take me next time' and yes, she did knowing i hated Lidl!! but i took her because it made her happy. Dianne enjoyed Christmas 2006 at home. Around the table with her family, Lisa, Simon,Meghan,Kasey and Barry. She cooked the turkey and we all chipped in with helping her out i.e we ate it all up!! and not one argument over the gravy! (mum always made runny gravy...me and Simon like it thick!) Later on, Christmas Afternoon, Barry's brother Jamie and his then, partner Ruth came for nibbles. Dianne was in her element. She loved it. Christmas at home....Bliss. Dianne then spent the New Year round Lisa's. Where else would Dianne be but with her children. The months flew by and after regular hospital checks, Dianne was coping with the fact that her colostomy/stoma would be permanent, the would was healing nicely until the evening of Wednesday 22nd August 2007. Dianne wanted a cup of tea, Simon was home but there was no milk, Dianne had run out. Simon told mum not to worry 'ill get some in the money' but Dianne couldnt wait that long so she decided to nip to the little shop. Within minutes, Simon had a knock at the door! Dianne had fallen on the pavement outside the shop. It looked like she had gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. Black eyes and bruised face, but more seriously she had damaged her healing stomach wound. She was insistant to Simon that she was ok. At 12.30 am she finally succumbed to the fact that something was wrong and called Lisa. Lisa got straight in the car and drove to Dingley Court. After the District nurse was called, Dianne did not want to go back into hospital but there was no choice in the matter. The ambulance was called. Dianne was very upset but knew it was for the best.