Dianne's re-admittance to Peterborough District Hospital

2007 August - 2008 April

Created by LISA ELLEN 15 years ago
After being re-admitted, every medical member of staff were quite literally scratching their heads as Dianne's Consultant was on Annual leave. Nobody knew how to deal with Dianne's condition for the best until his return. They always made sure Dianne was comfortable and that she was not in too much pain. Days after being re-admitted Dianne celebrated her 60th Birthday. A suprise party had been arranged for her by Lisa and her Sister, Christine. The party was to be held at Christines. Instead, some of the family got together and went Dianne's (by now, local pub) The Sessions House. She had a fantastic day, Ham, Egg and Chips was what she wanted and thats what she got. Followed by Chocolate birthday cake bought for her for the occassion. Dianne spent the next few months resting and the Doctors deciding what to do with her now complicated condition. They decided to operated and scheduled it for the 6th December....'no way' she said, It was the anniversary of her Mums passing and also her niece Julie was getting married. The operation was re-scheduled for 13th December.'i need my hair permed' she insisted. Lisa picked her up from hospital and took her to the hairdressers then returned her safely back to hospital. On the 2nd December Dianne came out for a mini-break (she fought for that as well) her niece Julie married on the 8th December and Lisa and Dianne enjoyed a lovely lunch of Ham, Egg and Chips at her local..yes, you guessed it! The Sessions House on the 12th December before she went back into PDH in preperation for her operation on the 13th December 2007. The operation lasted 9 hours again and they did a massive repair of Dianne's colon and Stomach wall using mesh which we all found out later to be Pig skin. A week late though, the pig skin did not like Dianne and she started to reject it. The Doctors needed to take Dianne back to theatre, which again, was another repair job, then again she had to return back to Theatre... It was scheduled for Christmas Day...'your not taking me down on Christmas Day' Dianne insisted again..She got her own way again. She went on Boxing Day instead. In the New Year, it was decided by her consultants that there was a Professor based at The University College Hospital in London who specialised in Colorectal Disease/Surgery. All that was needed was a bed to become available...